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Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 Getting Started with libxlsxwriter
 Tutorial 1: Create a simple XLSX file
 Tutorial 2: Adding formatting to the XLSX File
 Tutorial 3: Writing different types of data to the XLSX File
 The Workbook object
 The Worksheet object
 The Format object
 The Chart object
 The Chartsheet object
 Working with Formats
 Working with Colors
 Working with Formulas
 Working with Dates and Times
 Working with Charts
 Working with Object Positioning
 Working with Autofilters
 Working with Data Validation
 Working with Conditional Formatting
 Working with Worksheet Tables
 Working with Cell Comments
 Working with Outlines and Grouping
 Working with Memory and Performance
 Working with VBA Macros
 Example Programs
 Running the Test Suite
 Frequently Asked Questions
 Known Issues and Bugs