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Working with Charts

This section explains how to work with some of the options and features of The Chart object.

The majority of the examples in this section are based on a variation of the following program:

int main() {
lxw_workbook *workbook = workbook_new("chart_line.xlsx");
lxw_worksheet *worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL);
lxw_chart *chart;
/* Write some data for the chart. */
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, 0, 0, 10, NULL);
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, 1, 0, 40, NULL);
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, 2, 0, 50, NULL);
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, 3, 0, 20, NULL);
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, 4, 0, 10, NULL);
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, 5, 0, 50, NULL);
/* Create a chart object. */
chart = workbook_add_chart(workbook, LXW_CHART_LINE);
/* Configure the chart. */
series = chart_add_series(chart, NULL, "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$6");
(void)series; /* Do something with series in the real examples. */
/* Insert the chart into the worksheet. */
worksheet_insert_chart(worksheet, CELL("C1"), chart);
return workbook_close(workbook);
lxw_chart_series * chart_add_series(lxw_chart *chart, const char *categories, const char *values)
Add a data series to a chart.
Definition: chart.h:126
Struct to represent an Excel chart data series.
Definition: chart.h:961
Struct to represent an Excel chart.
Definition: chart.h:1091
Struct to represent an Excel workbook.
Definition: workbook.h:293
Struct to represent an Excel worksheet.
Definition: worksheet.h:2115
#define CELL(cell)
Convert an Excel A1 cell string into a (row, col) pair.
Definition: utility.h:46
lxw_chart * workbook_add_chart(lxw_workbook *workbook, uint8_t chart_type)
Create a new chart to be added to a worksheet:
lxw_workbook * workbook_new(const char *filename)
Create a new workbook object.
lxw_error workbook_close(lxw_workbook *workbook)
Close the Workbook object and write the XLSX file.
lxw_worksheet * workbook_add_worksheet(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *sheetname)
Add a new worksheet to a workbook.
lxw_error worksheet_insert_chart(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_chart *chart)
Insert a chart object into a worksheet.
lxw_error worksheet_write_number(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, double number, lxw_format *format)
Write a number to a worksheet cell.

Chart Value and Category Axes

When working with charts it is important to understand how Excel differentiates between a chart axis that is used for series categories and a chart axis that is used for series values.

In the majority of Excel charts the X axis is the category axis and each of the values is evenly spaced and sequential. The Y axis is the value axis and points are displayed according to their value:

Excel treats these two types of axis differently and exposes different properties for each. For example, here are the properties for a category axis:

Here are properties for a value axis:

As such, some of the libxlsxwriter axis properties can be set for a value axis, some can be set for a category axis and some properties can be set for both. The documentation calls out the type of axis to which functions apply and the API emits a warning if the wrong type is used.

Some category axes, such as the one in the column chart example above, use numbers as the categories. However, these numbers can't be treated like value axes. In particular you can't use chart_axis_set_max() and chart_axis_set_min() for category axes, as you can see in the respective format dialogs above.

For a Bar chart the Category and Value axes are reversed:

A Scatter chart (but not a Line chart) has 2 value axes:

Date axes aren't supported yet.

Working with Chart Markers

In Excel a chart marker is used to distinguish data points in a plotted series. In general only Line and Scatter and Radar chart types use markers. The libxlsxwriter chart types that can have markers are:

The chart types with MARKERS in the name have markers with default colors and shapes turned on by default but it is possible to change them using the functions shown below.

The chart_series_set_marker_type() function is used to specify the type of the series marker:

Definition: chart.h:248
void chart_series_set_marker_type(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t type)
Set the data marker type for a series.

The available marker types defined by lxw_chart_marker_type are:

The #LXW_CHART_MARKER_NONE type can be used to turn off default markers:

Definition: chart.h:242

The #LXW_CHART_MARKER_AUTOMATIC type is a special case which turns on a marker using the default marker style for the particular series. If automatic is on then other marker properties such as size, line or fill cannot be set.

The chart_series_set_marker_size() function is used to specify the size of the series marker:

Definition: chart.h:266
void chart_series_set_marker_size(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t size)
Set the size of a data marker for a series.

The chart_series_set_marker_line() and chart_series_set_marker_fill() functions can be used to set the line/border and fill properties of a chart marker:

Definition: chart.h:245
void chart_series_set_marker_line(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_line *line)
Set the line properties for a chart series marker.
void chart_series_set_marker_fill(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_fill *fill)
Set the fill properties for a chart series marker.
Definition: format.h:182
Definition: format.h:218
Struct to represent a chart fill.
Definition: chart.h:664
lxw_color_t color
Definition: chart.h:667
Struct to represent a chart line.
Definition: chart.h:640
lxw_color_t color
Definition: chart.h:643

For more information on line/border and fill formatting see Chart formatting: Line and Chart formatting: Fill below.

Working with Chart Trendlines

A trendline can be added to a chart series to indicate trends in the data such as a moving average or a polynomial fit. The trendlines types are shown in the following Excel dialog:

The chart_series_set_trendline() function turns on these trendlines for a data series:

series = chart_add_series(chart, NULL, "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$6");
void chart_series_set_trendline(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t type, uint8_t value)
Turn on a trendline for a chart data series.
Definition: chart.h:936

The value parameter corresponds to order for a polynomial trendline and period for a Moving Average trendline. It both cases it must be >= 2. The value parameter is ignored for all other trendlines:

Definition: chart.h:951

The allowable values for the the trendline type are:

Other trendline options, such as those shown in the following Excel dialog, can be set using the functions described below.

The chart_series_set_trendline_forecast() function sets the forward and backward forecast periods for the trendline:

void chart_series_set_trendline_forecast(lxw_chart_series *series, double forward, double backward)
Set the trendline forecast for a chart data series.
This feature isn't available for Moving Average in Excel.

The chart_series_set_trendline_equation() function displays the equation of the trendline on the chart:

void chart_series_set_trendline_equation(lxw_chart_series *series)
Display the equation of a trendline for a chart data series.
This feature isn't available for Moving Average in Excel.

The chart_series_set_trendline_r_squared() function displays the R-squared value for the trendline on the chart:

void chart_series_set_trendline_r_squared(lxw_chart_series *series)
Display the R squared value of a trendline for a chart data series.
This feature isn't available for Moving Average in Excel.

The chart_series_set_trendline_intercept() function sets the Y-axis intercept for the trendline:

void chart_series_set_trendline_intercept(lxw_chart_series *series, double intercept)
Set the trendline Y-axis intercept for a chart data series.

As can be seen from the equation on the chart the intercept point (when X=0) is the same as the value set in the equation.

The intercept feature is only available in Excel for Exponential, Linear and Polynomial trendline types.

The chart_series_set_trendline_name() function sets the name of the trendline that is displayed in the chart legend. In the examples above the trendlines are displayed with default names like "Linear (Series 1)" and "2 per Mov. Avg. (Series 1)". If these names are too verbose or not descriptive enough you can set your own trendline name:

chart_series_set_trendline_name(series, "My trendline");
void chart_series_set_trendline_name(lxw_chart_series *series, const char *name)
Set the trendline name for a chart data series.

It is often preferable to turn off the trendline caption in the legend. This is done in Excel by deleting the trendline name from the legend. In libxlsxwriter this is done using the chart_legend_delete_series() function to delete the zero based series numbers:

// Delete the series name for the second series (=1 in zero base).
// The -1 value indicates the end of the array of values.
int16_t names[] = {1, -1};
lxw_error chart_legend_delete_series(lxw_chart *chart, int16_t delete_series[])
Remove one or more series from the the legend.

The chart_series_set_trendline_line() function is used to set the line properties of a trendline:

void chart_series_set_trendline_line(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_line *line)
Set the trendline line properties for a chart data series.
Definition: chart.h:219
Trendlines cannot be added to series in a stacked chart, pie chart, doughnut chart or radar chart.

Working with Chart Error Bars

Error bars can be added to a chart series to indicate error bounds in the data.

The error bars can be vertical y_error_bars (the most common type) or horizontal x_error_bars (for Bar and Scatter charts only). For convenience these can be accessed from a series as follows:

chart_series_set_error_bars(series->y_error_bars, ...);
chart_series_set_error_bars(series->x_error_bars, ...);
void chart_series_set_error_bars(lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars, uint8_t type, double value)

The error bar properties that can be set in Excel are show in the following dialog:

Some of these properties can be set using the functions discussed below.

The chart_series_set_error_bars() function sets the error bar type and value associated with the type:

Definition: chart.h:869

The error bar types that be used are:

Custom error bars are not currently supported.

All error bar types, apart from Standard error, should have a valid value to set the error range:

Definition: chart.h:875
Definition: chart.h:872
Definition: chart.h:878

For the Standard error type the value is ignored.

The chart_series_set_error_bars_direction() function sets the direction of the error bars:

Definition: chart.h:890
void chart_series_set_error_bars_direction(lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars, uint8_t direction)
Set the direction (up, down or both) of the error bars for a chart series.

The valid directions are:

The chart_series_set_error_bars_endcap() function sets the end cap type for the error bars:

Definition: chart.h:915
void chart_series_set_error_bars_endcap(lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars, uint8_t endcap)
Set the end cap type for the error bars of a chart series.

The valid values are:

The chart_series_set_error_bars_line() function sets the line properties for the error bars:

chart_series_set_error_bars_line(series->y_error_bars, &line);
void chart_series_set_error_bars_line(lxw_series_error_bars *error_bars, lxw_chart_line *line)
Set the line properties for a chart series error bars.
Definition: chart.h:207

Working with Chart Points

In general formatting is applied to an entire series in a chart. However, it is occasionally required to format individual points within a series.

In Excel charts "points" have a different meaning depending on the type of chart:

  • Line/Scatter chart: points are used to reference individual markers.
  • Bar/Column/Area charts: points are used to reference individual bars or areas.
  • Pie/Doughnut charts: points are used to reference each segment.

The most common use case is to format segments of a pie chart like this example:

#include "xlsxwriter.h"
* Create a worksheet with an example Pie chart.
int main() {
lxw_workbook *workbook = workbook_new("chart_pie_colors.xlsx");
lxw_worksheet *worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL);
/* Write some data for the chart. */
worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A1"), "Pass", NULL);
worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A2"), "Fail", NULL);
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, CELL("B1"), 90, NULL);
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, CELL("B2"), 10, NULL);
/* Create a pie chart. */
/* Add the data series to the chart. */
series = chart_add_series(chart, "=Sheet1!$A$1:$A$2",
/* Create some fills for the chart points/segments. */
/* Add the fills to the point objects. */
lxw_chart_point red_point = {.fill = &red_fill };
lxw_chart_point green_point = {.fill = &green_fill};
/* Create an array of pointer to chart points. Note, the array should be
* NULL terminated. */
lxw_chart_point *points[] = {&green_point,
/* Add the points to the series. */
chart_series_set_points(series, points);
/* Insert the chart into the worksheet. */
worksheet_insert_chart(worksheet, CELL("D2"), chart);
return workbook_close(workbook);
lxw_error chart_series_set_points(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_point *points[])
Set the formatting for points in the series.
Definition: chart.h:135
Definition: format.h:197
Struct to represent an Excel chart data point.
Definition: chart.h:781
lxw_chart_fill * fill
Definition: chart.h:787
lxw_error worksheet_write_string(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *string, lxw_format *format)
Write a string to a worksheet cell.

The lxw_chart_point objects can be used to set the following properties for a chart point:

  • Line/Border
  • Fill
  • Pattern

These properties are explained in the Chart Formatting subsections below.

The points should be passed as a NULL terminated array of pointers to lxw_chart_point objects:

lxw_chart_point red_point = {.fill = &red_fill };
lxw_chart_point green_point = {.fill = &green_fill};
lxw_chart_point *points[] = {&green_point,
NULL}; // Indicates the end of the list.
chart_series_set_points(series, points);

You can skip points in the series that you don't want to format by passing a zero-initialized lxw_chart_point:

lxw_chart_point default_point = {0, 0, 0};
lxw_chart_point red_point = {.fill = &red_fill, .line = &line};
lxw_chart_point green_point = {.fill = &green_fill, .line = &line};
lxw_chart_point *points[] = {&red_point,
chart_series_set_points(series, points);

The array of lxw_chart_point objects pointers corresponds to the order of the points in the series starting from the first point. However, it does not have to extend to the entire range of the series. It can be NULL terminated at any point in the series, such as in the previous example.

For Bar/Column/Area charts "points" refer to bars/areas within the chart:

lxw_chart_point red_point = {.fill = &red_fill};
lxw_chart_point default_point = {0, 0, 0};
lxw_chart_point *points[] = {&default_point, &default_point, &red_point, NULL};
chart_series_set_points(series2, points);

Working with Chart Data Labels

Data labels can be added to a chart series to indicate the values of the plotted data points. The functions described below turn on and set data label properties.

The chart_series_set_labels() function is used to turn on data labels for a chart series:

void chart_series_set_labels(lxw_chart_series *series)
Add data labels to a chart series.

By default data labels are displayed in Excel with only the values shown:

However, it is possible to configure other display options, as shown in the functions below.

The chart_series_set_labels_options() function is used to set the parameters that are displayed in the series data label:

void chart_series_set_labels_options(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t show_name, uint8_t show_category, uint8_t show_value)
Set the display options for the labels of a data series.
Definition: common.h:54

The chart_series_set_labels_separator() function is used to change the separator between multiple data label items. The default options is a comma separator as shown in the previous example.

The available options are:

For example:

Definition: chart.h:474
void chart_series_set_labels_separator(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t separator)
Set the separator for the data label captions.

The chart_series_set_labels_position() function sets the position of the labels in the data series:

Definition: chart.h:442
void chart_series_set_labels_position(lxw_chart_series *series, uint8_t position)
Set the data label position for a series.

In Excel the allowable data label positions vary for different chart types. The allowable, and default, positions are:

Position Line, Scatter Bar, Column Pie, Doughnut Area, Radar

The chart_series_set_labels_leader_line() function is used to turn on leader lines for the data label of a series. It is mainly used for pie or doughnut charts:

void chart_series_set_labels_leader_line(lxw_chart_series *series)
Set leader lines for Pie and Doughnut charts.
Even when leader lines are turned on they aren't automatically visible in Excel or XlsxWriter. Due to an Excel limitation (or design) leader lines only appear if the data label is moved manually or if the data labels are very close and need to be adjusted automatically.

The chart_series_set_labels_legend() function is used to set the legend key for a data series:

void chart_series_set_labels_legend(lxw_chart_series *series)
Set the legend key for a data label in a chart series.

The chart_series_set_labels_percentage() function is used to turn on the display of data labels as a percentage for a series. It is mainly used for pie charts:

void chart_series_set_labels_percentage(lxw_chart_series *series)
Set the percentage for a Pie/Doughnut data point.
Definition: common.h:52

The chart_series_set_labels_num_format() function is used to set the number format for data labels:

void chart_series_set_labels_num_format(lxw_chart_series *series, const char *num_format)
Set the number format for chart data labels in a series.

The number format is similar to the Worksheet Cell Format num_format, see format_set_num_format().

The chart_series_set_labels_font() function is used to set the font for data labels:

lxw_chart_font font = {.name = "Consolas", .color = LXW_COLOR_RED};
void chart_series_set_labels_font(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_font *font)
Set the font properties for chart data labels in a series.
Struct to represent a chart font.
Definition: chart.h:700
const char * name
Definition: chart.h:703

For more information see Chart formatting: Fonts below.

The chart_series_set_labels_line(), chart_series_set_labels_fill() and chart_series_set_labels_pattern() functions can be used to set the formatting for a data series using standard chart formatting structs:

void chart_series_set_labels_line(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_line *line)
Set the line properties for the data labels in a chart series.
void chart_series_set_labels_fill(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_fill *fill)
Set the fill properties for the data labels in a chart series.
Definition: format.h:227

Custom Chart Data Labels

The chart_series_set_labels_custom() function is used to set the properties of individual data labels in a series. The most common use for this is to set custom text or number labels:

// Add the series data labels.
// Create some custom labels.
lxw_chart_data_label data_label1 = {.value = "Jan"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label2 = {.value = "Feb"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label3 = {.value = "Mar"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label4 = {.value = "Apr"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label5 = {.value = "May"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label6 = {.value = "Jun"};
// Create an array of label pointers. NULL indicates the end of the array.
lxw_chart_data_label *data_labels[] = {
// Set the custom labels.
chart_series_set_labels_custom(series, data_labels);
lxw_error chart_series_set_labels_custom(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_data_label *data_labels[])
Set the properties for data labels in a series.
Struct to represent an Excel chart data label.
Definition: chart.h:800
const char * value
Definition: chart.h:804

As shown in the previous example the chart_series_set_labels_custom() function takes a pointer to an array of lxw_chart_data_label pointers. The list should be NULL terminated. Any lxw_chart_data_label items set to a default initialization or omitted from the list will be assigned the default data label value:

// Add the series data labels.
// Create some custom labels.
lxw_chart_data_label default_label = {0};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label2 = {.value = "Feb"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label3 = {.value = "Mar"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label4 = {.value = "Apr"};
// Create an array of label pointers. NULL indicates the end of the array.
lxw_chart_data_label *data_labels[] = {
// Set the custom labels.
chart_series_set_labels_custom(series, data_labels);

The value element in the lxw_chart_data_label struct should be a string, a number as a string, or formula string that refers to a cell from which the value will be taken:

// Add the series data labels.
// Create some custom labels.
lxw_chart_data_label data_label1 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$1"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label2 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$2"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label3 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$3"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label4 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$4"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label5 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$5"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label6 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$6"};
// Create an array of label pointers. NULL indicates the end of the array.
lxw_chart_data_label *data_labels[] = {
// Set the custom labels.
chart_series_set_labels_custom(series, data_labels);

The font element in the lxw_chart_data_label struct can be used to set the font for the label in the data series (see Chart formatting: Fonts):

// Add the series data labels.
// Create some custom labels.
lxw_chart_data_label data_label1 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$1", .font = &font};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label2 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$2", .font = &font};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label3 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$3", .font = &font};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label4 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$4", .font = &font};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label5 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$5", .font = &font};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label6 = {.value = "=Sheet1!$C$6", .font = &font};
// Create an array of label pointers. NULL indicates the end of the array.
lxw_chart_data_label *data_labels[] = {
// Set the custom labels.
chart_series_set_labels_custom(series, data_labels);
lxw_color_t color
Definition: chart.h:727

The hide element in the lxw_chart_data_label struct can be used to hide/delete labels in a series. This can be useful if you want to highlight one or more cells in the series, for example the maximum and the minimum:

// Add the series data labels.
// Create some custom labels.
// Create an array of label pointers. NULL indicates the end of the array.
lxw_chart_data_label *data_labels[] = {
// Set the custom labels.
chart_series_set_labels_custom(series, data_labels);
uint8_t hide
Definition: chart.h:808

Standard chart formatting such as lxw_chart_line, lxw_chart_fill and lxw_chart_pattern can also be applied to custom data labels via lxw_chart_data_label:

// Set the border/line and fill for the data labels.
// Create some custom labels.
lxw_chart_data_label data_label9_1 = {.value = "Amy", .line = &line3};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label9_2 = {.value = "Bea"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label9_3 = {.value = "Eva"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label9_4 = {.value = "Fay"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label9_5 = {.value = "Liv"};
lxw_chart_data_label data_label9_6 = {.value = "Una", .fill = &fill3};
// Set the default formatting for the data labels in the series.
// Create an array of label pointers. NULL indicates the end of the array.
lxw_chart_data_label *data_labels9[] = {
/* Set the custom labels. */
chart_series_set_labels_custom(series, data_labels9);
Definition: format.h:185

Chart Formatting

The following chart formatting properties can be set for any chart object that they apply to (and that are supported by libxlsxwriter) such as chart lines, column fill areas and other chart elements:

  • Font
  • Line/Border
  • Fill
  • Pattern

For example:

lxw_chart_line marker_line = {.color = LXW_COLOR_RED};
chart_series_set_line(series, &chart_line);
chart_series_set_marker_line(series, &marker_line);
chart_series_set_marker_fill(series, &marker_fill);
void chart_series_set_line(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_line *line)
Set the line properties for a chart series.

These properties are explained in the subsections below.

Chart formatting: Fonts

Font properties can be set for several chart objects such as chart titles, axis labels, and axis numbering.

A chart font lxw_chart_font struct with default properties is:

lxw_chart_font font = {.name = "Calibri",
.size = 10,
.bold = LXW_FALSE,
.italic = LXW_FALSE,
.underline = LXW_FALSE,
.rotation = 0,
.color = LXW_COLOR_BLACK};

The font properties are:

  • name: Set the font name:
lxw_chart_font font = {.name = "Arial"};
  • size: Set the font size:
lxw_chart_font font = {.name = "Arial", .size = 11};
  • bold: Set the font bold property:
uint8_t bold
Definition: chart.h:709
  • italic: Set the font italic property:
uint8_t italic
Definition: chart.h:712
  • underline: Set the font underline property:
uint8_t underline
Definition: chart.h:715
  • rotation: Set the font rotation, angle, property in the range -90 to 90 deg:
lxw_chart_font font = {.rotation = 45};
int32_t rotation
Definition: chart.h:724

This is useful for displaying axis data such as dates in a more compact format.

  • color: Set the font color property. It can be a HTML style RGB color or a limited number of named colors (see Working with Colors for more information):

Here is a longer example with several chart formats:

lxw_chart_font font1 = {.name = "Calibri", .color = LXW_COLOR_BLUE};
lxw_chart_font font2 = {.name = "Courier", .color = 0x92D050};
lxw_chart_font font3 = {.name = "Arial", .color = 0x00B0F0};
lxw_chart_font font4 = {.name = "Century", .color = LXW_COLOR_RED};
lxw_chart_font font5 = {.rotation = -30};
.italic = LXW_TRUE,
.underline = LXW_TRUE,
.color = 0x7030A0};
/* Write the chart title with a font. */
chart_title_set_name(chart, "Test Results");
chart_title_set_name_font(chart, &font1);
/* Write the Y axis with a font. */
chart_axis_set_name(chart->y_axis, "Units");
/* Write the X axis with a font. */
chart_axis_set_name(chart->x_axis, "Month");
/* Display the chart legend at the bottom of the chart. */
chart_legend_set_font(chart, &font6);
void chart_axis_set_num_font(lxw_chart_axis *axis, lxw_chart_font *font)
Set the font properties for the numbers of a chart axis.
void chart_axis_set_name(lxw_chart_axis *axis, const char *name)
Set the name caption of the an axis.
void chart_title_set_name(lxw_chart *chart, const char *name)
Set the title of the chart.
Definition: chart.h:180
void chart_title_set_name_font(lxw_chart *chart, lxw_chart_font *font)
Set the font properties for a chart title.
void chart_legend_set_font(lxw_chart *chart, lxw_chart_font *font)
Set the font properties for a chart legend.
void chart_axis_set_name_font(lxw_chart_axis *axis, lxw_chart_font *font)
Set the font properties for a chart axis name.
void chart_legend_set_position(lxw_chart *chart, uint8_t position)
Set the position of the chart legend.
lxw_chart_axis * x_axis
Definition: chart.h:1106
lxw_chart_axis * y_axis
Definition: chart.h:1112

Chart formatting: Line

The line format is used to specify properties of line objects that appear in a chart such as a plotted line on a chart or a border.

A chart line lxw_chart_line struct with default properties is:

.width = 2.25,
Definition: chart.h:204
uint8_t none
Definition: chart.h:646

The none member is used to turn the line off (it is always on by default except in Scatter charts). This is useful if you wish to plot a series with markers without a line, or a column fill without a border:

chart_series_set_line(series, &line);
Definition: chart.h:239

The color member sets the color of the line. It can be a HTML style RGB color or a limited number of named colors (see Working with Colors for more information):

lxw_chart_line line = {.color = 0xFF9900};
chart_series_set_line(series, &line);

The width member sets the width of the line. It should be specified in increments of 0.25 of a point as in Excel:

lxw_chart_line line = {.width = 4.25};
chart_series_set_line(series, &line);
float width
Definition: chart.h:649

The dash_type member sets the dash style of the line:

chart_series_set_line(series, &line);
Definition: chart.h:216
uint8_t dash_type
Definition: chart.h:652

The following lxw_chart_line_dash_type values are available. They are shown in the order that they appear in the Excel dialog:

Define Excel name

The default line style is #LXW_CHART_LINE_DASH_SOLID.

More than one line property can be specified at a time:

.width = 1.25,
Definition: chart.h:210

Chart formatting: Border

In Excel chart formatting the border property is a synonym for line when the object being formatting also has a fill property.

Anywhere you see border in an Excel chart dialog you can use the equivalent libxlsxwriter line function.

Chart formatting: Fill

The fill format is used to specify properties of chart objects that internal boundaries such as a column chart.

A chart fill lxw_chart_fill struct with default properties is:

.transparency = 0};
uint8_t none
Definition: chart.h:670

The none property is used to turn the fill property off (it is generally on by default):

chart_series_set_line(series, &line);
chart_series_set_fill(series, &fill);
void chart_series_set_fill(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_fill *fill)
Set the fill properties for a chart series.

The color member sets the color of the fill area. It can be a HTML style RGB color or a limited number of named colors (see Working with Colors for more information):

lxw_chart_fill fill = {.color = 0xFF9900};
chart_series_set_fill(series, &fill);

The transparency member sets the transparency of the solid fill color in the integer range 1 - 100:

.transparency = 50};
chart_series_set_fill(series, &fill);

The fill format is generally used in conjunction with a border which can be set via the line format:

Chart formatting: Pattern

The pattern fill is used to specify pattern filled areas of chart objects such as the interior of a column or the background of the chart itself.

A chart pattern lxw_chart_pattern struct with default properties is:

.fg_color = LXW_COLOR_NONE,;
.bg_color = LXW_COLOR_WHITE};
Definition: chart.h:278
Definition: format.h:224
Struct to represent a chart pattern.
Definition: chart.h:682
uint8_t type
Definition: chart.h:691

Where the members are:

  • pattern: The pattern to be applied (required).
  • fg_color: The foreground color of the pattern (required).
  • bg_color: The background color (optional, defaults to white).

The foreground color, fg_color, is a required parameter and can be HTML style RGB color or a limited number of named colors (see Working with Colors for more information):

The background color, bg_color, is optional and defaults to LXW_COLOR_WHITE.

For example:

.fg_color = 0x804000,
.bg_color = 0XC68C53};
.fg_color = 0XB30000,
.bg_color = 0XFF6666};
chart_series_set_pattern(series1, &pattern1);
chart_series_set_pattern(series2, &pattern2);
void chart_series_set_pattern(lxw_chart_series *series, lxw_chart_pattern *pattern)
Set the pattern properties for a chart series.
Definition: chart.h:398
Definition: chart.h:380

The following patterns lxw_chart_pattern_type can be applied:

If a pattern fill is used on a chart object it overrides the solid fill properties of the object.

Chart Limitations

The following chart features aren't currently supported in libxlsxwriter but will be in time. See the GitHub Chart Feature Requests.

  • Secondary axis.
  • Combined charts.
  • Chartsheets.

If required these features are all available in the Perl and Python versions of this library.

Next: Working with Object Positioning