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workbook.h File Reference


The Workbook is the main object exposed by the libxlsxwriter library. It represents the entire spreadsheet as you see it in Excel and internally it represents the Excel file as it is written on disk.

#include "xlsxwriter.h"
int main() {
lxw_workbook *workbook = workbook_new("filename.xlsx");
lxw_worksheet *worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL);
worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 0, 0, "Hello Excel", NULL);
return workbook_close(workbook);
Struct to represent an Excel workbook.
Definition: workbook.h:293
Struct to represent an Excel worksheet.
Definition: worksheet.h:2115
lxw_workbook * workbook_new(const char *filename)
Create a new workbook object.
lxw_error workbook_close(lxw_workbook *workbook)
Close the Workbook object and write the XLSX file.
lxw_worksheet * workbook_add_worksheet(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *sheetname)
Add a new worksheet to a workbook.
lxw_error worksheet_write_string(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *string, lxw_format *format)
Write a string to a worksheet cell.


lxw_workbookworkbook_new (const char *filename)
 Create a new workbook object.
lxw_workbookworkbook_new_opt (const char *filename, lxw_workbook_options *options)
 Create a new workbook object, and set the workbook options.
lxw_worksheetworkbook_add_worksheet (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *sheetname)
 Add a new worksheet to a workbook.
lxw_chartsheetworkbook_add_chartsheet (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *sheetname)
 Add a new chartsheet to a workbook.
lxw_formatworkbook_add_format (lxw_workbook *workbook)
 Create a new Format object to formats cells in worksheets.
lxw_chartworkbook_add_chart (lxw_workbook *workbook, uint8_t chart_type)
 Create a new chart to be added to a worksheet:
lxw_error workbook_close (lxw_workbook *workbook)
 Close the Workbook object and write the XLSX file.
lxw_error workbook_set_properties (lxw_workbook *workbook, lxw_doc_properties *properties)
 Set the document properties such as Title, Author etc.
lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_string (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, const char *value)
 Set a custom document text property.
lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_number (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, double value)
 Set a custom document number property.
lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_boolean (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, uint8_t value)
 Set a custom document boolean property.
lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_datetime (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, lxw_datetime *datetime)
 Set a custom document date or time property.
lxw_error workbook_define_name (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, const char *formula)
 Create a defined name in the workbook to use as a variable.
lxw_formatworkbook_get_default_url_format (lxw_workbook *workbook)
 Get the default URL format used with worksheet_write_url().
lxw_worksheetworkbook_get_worksheet_by_name (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name)
 Get a worksheet object from its name.
lxw_chartsheetworkbook_get_chartsheet_by_name (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name)
 Get a chartsheet object from its name.
lxw_error workbook_validate_sheet_name (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *sheetname)
 Validate a worksheet or chartsheet name.
lxw_error workbook_add_vba_project (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *filename)
 Add a vbaProject binary to the Excel workbook.
lxw_error workbook_add_signed_vba_project (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *vba_project, const char *signature)
 Add a vbaProject binary and a vbaProjectSignature binary to the Excel workbook.
lxw_error workbook_set_vba_name (lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name)
 Set the VBA name for the workbook.
void workbook_read_only_recommended (lxw_workbook *workbook)
 Add a recommendation to open the file in "read-only" mode.
void workbook_set_size (lxw_workbook *workbook, uint16_t width, uint16_t height)
 Set the size of a workbook window.

Function Documentation

◆ workbook_new()

lxw_workbook * workbook_new ( const char *  filename)

◆ workbook_new_opt()

lxw_workbook * workbook_new_opt ( const char *  filename,
lxw_workbook_options options 
filenameThe name of the new Excel file to create.
optionsWorkbook options.
A lxw_workbook instance.

This function is the same as the workbook_new() constructor but allows additional options to be set.

.tmpdir = "C:\\Temp",
.use_zip64 = LXW_FALSE,
.output_buffer = NULL,
.output_buffer_size = NULL};
lxw_workbook *workbook = workbook_new_opt("filename.xlsx", &options);
Definition: common.h:54
Definition: common.h:52
Workbook options.
Definition: workbook.h:269
uint8_t constant_memory
Definition: workbook.h:271
lxw_workbook * workbook_new_opt(const char *filename, lxw_workbook_options *options)
Create a new workbook object, and set the workbook options.

The options that can be set via lxw_workbook_options are:

  • constant_memory: This option reduces the amount of data stored in memory so that large files can be written efficiently. This option is off by default. See the note below for limitations when this mode is on.
  • tmpdir: libxlsxwriter stores workbook data in temporary files prior to assembling the final XLSX file. The temporary files are created in the system's temp directory. If the default temporary directory isn't accessible to your application, or doesn't contain enough space, you can specify an alternative location using the tmpdir option.
  • use_zip64: Make the zip library use ZIP64 extensions when writing very large xlsx files to allow the zip container, or individual XML files within it, to be greater than 4 GB. See ZIP64 on Wikipedia for more information. This option is off by default.
  • output_buffer: Output to a memory buffer instead of a file. The buffer must be freed manually by calling free(). This option can only be used if filename is NULL.
  • output_buffer_size: Used with output_buffer to get the size of the created buffer. This option can only be used if filename is NULL.
In constant_memory mode each row of in-memory data is written to disk and then freed when a new row is started via one of the worksheet_write_*() functions. Therefore, once this option is active data should be written in sequential row by row order. For this reason worksheet_merge_range() and some other row based functionality doesn't work in this mode. See Constant Memory Mode for more details.
Also, in constant_memory mode the library uses temp file storage for worksheet data. This can lead to an issue on OSes that map the /tmp directory into memory since it is possible to consume the "system" memory even though the "process" memory remains constant. In these cases you should use an alternative temp file location by using the tmpdir option shown above. See Constant memory mode and the /tmp directory for more details.
constant_memory.c, and output_buffer.c.

◆ workbook_add_worksheet()

lxw_worksheet * workbook_add_worksheet ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  sheetname 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
sheetnameOptional worksheet name, defaults to Sheet1, etc.
A lxw_worksheet object.

The workbook_add_worksheet() function adds a new worksheet to a workbook.

At least one worksheet should be added to a new workbook: The Worksheet object is used to write data and configure a worksheet in the workbook.

The sheetname parameter is optional. If it is NULL the default Excel convention will be followed, i.e. Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.:

worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL ); // Sheet1
worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, "Foglio2"); // Foglio2
worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, "Data"); // Data
worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL ); // Sheet4

The worksheet name must be a valid Excel worksheet name, i.e:

  • The name cannot be blank.
  • The name is less than or equal to 31 UTF-8 characters.
  • The name doesn't contain any of the characters: [ ] : * ? / \
  • The name doesn't start or end with an apostrophe.
  • The name isn't already in use. (Case insensitive).

If any of these errors are encountered the function will return NULL. You can check for valid name using the workbook_validate_sheet_name() function.

You should also avoid using the worksheet name "History" (case insensitive) which is reserved in English language versions of Excel. Non-English versions may have restrictions on the equivalent word.
anatomy.c, array_formula.c, autofilter.c, background.c, chart.c, chart_area.c, chart_bar.c, chart_clustered.c, chart_column.c, chart_data_labels.c, chart_data_table.c, chart_data_tools.c, chart_doughnut.c, chart_fonts.c, chart_line.c, chart_pattern.c, chart_pie.c, chart_radar.c, chart_scatter.c, chart_styles.c, chartsheet.c, comments1.c, comments2.c, conditional_format1.c, conditional_format2.c, constant_memory.c, data_validate.c, dates_and_times01.c, dates_and_times02.c, dates_and_times03.c, dates_and_times04.c, defined_name.c, demo.c, diagonal_border.c, doc_custom_properties.c, doc_properties.c, dynamic_arrays.c, embed_image_buffer.c, embed_images.c, format_font.c, format_num_format.c, headers_footers.c, hello.c, hide_row_col.c, hide_sheet.c, hyperlinks.c, ignore_errors.c, image_buffer.c, images.c, lambda.c, macro.c, merge_range.c, merge_rich_string.c, outline.c, outline_collapsed.c, output_buffer.c, panes.c, rich_strings.c, tab_colors.c, tables.c, tutorial1.c, tutorial2.c, tutorial3.c, utf8.c, watermark.c, and worksheet_protection.c.

◆ workbook_add_chartsheet()

lxw_chartsheet * workbook_add_chartsheet ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  sheetname 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
sheetnameOptional chartsheet name, defaults to Chart1, etc.
A lxw_chartsheet object.

The workbook_add_chartsheet() function adds a new chartsheet to a workbook. The Chartsheet object is like a worksheet except it displays a chart instead of cell data.

The sheetname parameter is optional. If it is NULL the default Excel convention will be followed, i.e. Chart1, Chart2, etc.:

chartsheet = workbook_add_chartsheet(workbook, NULL ); // Chart1
chartsheet = workbook_add_chartsheet(workbook, "My Chart"); // My Chart
chartsheet = workbook_add_chartsheet(workbook, NULL ); // Chart3
lxw_chartsheet * workbook_add_chartsheet(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *sheetname)
Add a new chartsheet to a workbook.

The chartsheet name must be a valid Excel worksheet name, i.e.:

  • The name cannot be blank.
  • The name is less than or equal to 31 UTF-8 characters.
  • The name doesn't contain any of the characters: [ ] : * ? / \
  • The name doesn't start or end with an apostrophe.
  • The name isn't already in use. (Case insensitive).

If any of these errors are encountered the function will return NULL. You can check for valid name using the workbook_validate_sheet_name() function.

You should also avoid using the worksheet name "History" (case insensitive) which is reserved in English language versions of Excel. Non-English versions may have restrictions on the equivalent word.

At least one worksheet should be added to a new workbook when creating a chartsheet in order to provide data for the chart. The Worksheet object is used to write data and configure a worksheet in the workbook.


◆ workbook_add_format()

lxw_format * workbook_add_format ( lxw_workbook workbook)
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
A lxw_format instance.

The workbook_add_format() function can be used to create new Format objects which are used to apply formatting to a cell.

// Create the Format.
lxw_format *format = workbook_add_format(workbook);
// Set some of the format properties.
// Use the format to change the text format in a cell.
worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 0, 0, "Hello", format);
void format_set_font_color(lxw_format *format, lxw_color_t color)
Set the color of the font used in the cell.
void format_set_bold(lxw_format *format)
Turn on bold for the format font.
Definition: format.h:218
Struct to represent the formatting properties of an Excel format.
Definition: format.h:359
lxw_format * workbook_add_format(lxw_workbook *workbook)
Create a new Format object to formats cells in worksheets.

See the Format object and Working with Formats sections for more details about Format properties and how to set them.

anatomy.c, autofilter.c, chart_area.c, chart_bar.c, chart_clustered.c, chart_column.c, chart_data_labels.c, chart_data_table.c, chart_data_tools.c, chart_doughnut.c, chart_line.c, chart_pattern.c, chart_pie.c, chart_radar.c, chart_scatter.c, chartsheet.c, comments2.c, conditional_format1.c, conditional_format2.c, data_validate.c, dates_and_times01.c, dates_and_times02.c, dates_and_times03.c, dates_and_times04.c, demo.c, diagonal_border.c, dynamic_arrays.c, format_font.c, format_num_format.c, hyperlinks.c, merge_range.c, merge_rich_string.c, outline.c, outline_collapsed.c, panes.c, rich_strings.c, tables.c, tutorial2.c, tutorial3.c, and worksheet_protection.c.

◆ workbook_add_chart()

lxw_chart * workbook_add_chart ( lxw_workbook workbook,
uint8_t  chart_type 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
chart_typeThe type of chart to be created. See lxw_chart_type.
A lxw_chart object.

The workbook_add_chart() function creates a new chart object that can be added to a worksheet:

// Create a chart object.
// Add data series to the chart.
chart_add_series(chart, NULL, "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5");
chart_add_series(chart, NULL, "Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5");
chart_add_series(chart, NULL, "Sheet1!$C$1:$C$5");
// Insert the chart into the worksheet
worksheet_insert_chart(worksheet, CELL("B7"), chart);
lxw_chart_series * chart_add_series(lxw_chart *chart, const char *categories, const char *values)
Add a data series to a chart.
Definition: chart.h:114
Struct to represent an Excel chart.
Definition: chart.h:1091
#define CELL(cell)
Convert an Excel A1 cell string into a (row, col) pair.
Definition: utility.h:46
lxw_chart * workbook_add_chart(lxw_workbook *workbook, uint8_t chart_type)
Create a new chart to be added to a worksheet:
lxw_error worksheet_insert_chart(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_chart *chart)
Insert a chart object into a worksheet.

The available chart types are defined in lxw_chart_type. The types of charts that are supported are:

Chart type Description
LXW_CHART_AREA Area chart.
LXW_CHART_AREA_STACKED Area chart - stacked.
LXW_CHART_AREA_STACKED_PERCENT Area chart - percentage stacked.
LXW_CHART_BAR Bar chart.
LXW_CHART_BAR_STACKED Bar chart - stacked.
LXW_CHART_BAR_STACKED_PERCENT Bar chart - percentage stacked.
LXW_CHART_COLUMN Column chart.
LXW_CHART_COLUMN_STACKED Column chart - stacked.
LXW_CHART_COLUMN_STACKED_PERCENT Column chart - percentage stacked.
LXW_CHART_DOUGHNUT Doughnut chart.
LXW_CHART_LINE Line chart.
LXW_CHART_LINE_STACKED Line chart - stacked.
LXW_CHART_LINE_STACKED_PERCENT Line chart - percentage stacked.
LXW_CHART_PIE Pie chart.
LXW_CHART_SCATTER Scatter chart.
LXW_CHART_SCATTER_STRAIGHT Scatter chart - straight.
LXW_CHART_SCATTER_STRAIGHT_WITH_MARKERS Scatter chart - straight with markers.
LXW_CHART_SCATTER_SMOOTH Scatter chart - smooth.
LXW_CHART_SCATTER_SMOOTH_WITH_MARKERS Scatter chart - smooth with markers.
LXW_CHART_RADAR Radar chart.
LXW_CHART_RADAR_WITH_MARKERS Radar chart - with markers.
LXW_CHART_RADAR_FILLED Radar chart - filled.

See chart.h for details.

chart.c, chart_area.c, chart_bar.c, chart_clustered.c, chart_column.c, chart_data_labels.c, chart_data_table.c, chart_data_tools.c, chart_doughnut.c, chart_fonts.c, chart_line.c, chart_pattern.c, chart_pie.c, chart_radar.c, chart_scatter.c, chart_styles.c, and chartsheet.c.

◆ workbook_close()

lxw_error workbook_close ( lxw_workbook workbook)
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
A lxw_error.

The workbook_close() function closes a Workbook object, writes the Excel file to disk, frees any memory allocated internally to the Workbook and frees the object itself.


The workbook_close() function returns any lxw_error error codes encountered when creating the Excel file. The error code can be returned from the program main or the calling function:

return workbook_close(workbook);
anatomy.c, array_formula.c, autofilter.c, background.c, chart.c, chart_area.c, chart_bar.c, chart_clustered.c, chart_column.c, chart_data_labels.c, chart_data_table.c, chart_data_tools.c, chart_doughnut.c, chart_fonts.c, chart_line.c, chart_pattern.c, chart_pie.c, chart_radar.c, chart_scatter.c, chart_styles.c, chartsheet.c, comments1.c, comments2.c, conditional_format1.c, conditional_format2.c, constant_memory.c, data_validate.c, dates_and_times01.c, dates_and_times02.c, dates_and_times03.c, dates_and_times04.c, defined_name.c, demo.c, diagonal_border.c, doc_custom_properties.c, doc_properties.c, dynamic_arrays.c, embed_image_buffer.c, embed_images.c, format_font.c, format_num_format.c, headers_footers.c, hello.c, hide_row_col.c, hide_sheet.c, hyperlinks.c, ignore_errors.c, image_buffer.c, images.c, lambda.c, macro.c, merge_range.c, merge_rich_string.c, outline.c, outline_collapsed.c, output_buffer.c, panes.c, rich_strings.c, tab_colors.c, tables.c, tutorial1.c, tutorial2.c, tutorial3.c, utf8.c, watermark.c, and worksheet_protection.c.

◆ workbook_set_properties()

lxw_error workbook_set_properties ( lxw_workbook workbook,
lxw_doc_properties properties 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
propertiesDocument properties to set.
A lxw_error.

The workbook_set_properties function can be used to set the document properties of the Excel file created by libxlsxwriter. These properties are visible when you use the Office Button -> Prepare -> Properties option in Excel and are also available to external applications that read or index windows files.

The properties that can be set are:

  • title
  • subject
  • author
  • manager
  • company
  • category
  • keywords
  • comments
  • hyperlink_base
  • created

The properties are specified via a lxw_doc_properties struct. All the fields are all optional. An example of how to create and pass the properties is:

// Create a properties structure and set some of the fields.
lxw_doc_properties properties = {
.title = "This is an example spreadsheet",
.subject = "With document properties",
.author = "John McNamara",
.manager = "Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz",
.company = "of Wolves",
.category = "Example spreadsheets",
.keywords = "Sample, Example, Properties",
.comments = "Created with libxlsxwriter",
.status = "Quo",
// Set the properties in the workbook.
workbook_set_properties(workbook, &properties);
Definition: workbook.h:184
const char * title
Definition: workbook.h:186
lxw_error workbook_set_properties(lxw_workbook *workbook, lxw_doc_properties *properties)
Set the document properties such as Title, Author etc.

The created parameter sets the file creation date/time shown in Excel. This defaults to the current time and date if set to 0. If you wish to create files that are binary equivalent (for the same input data) then you should set this creation date/time to a known value using a time_t value.


◆ workbook_set_custom_property_string()

lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_string ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
nameThe name of the custom property.
valueThe value of the custom property.
A lxw_error.

The workbook_set_custom_property_string() function can be used to set one or more custom document text properties not covered by the standard properties in the workbook_set_properties() function above.

For example:

workbook_set_custom_property_string(workbook, "Checked by", "Eve");
lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_string(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, const char *value)
Set a custom document text property.

There are 4 workbook_set_custom_property_string_*() functions for each of the custom property types supported by Excel:

Note: the name and value parameters are limited to 255 characters by Excel.


◆ workbook_set_custom_property_number()

lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_number ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  name,
double  value 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
nameThe name of the custom property.
valueThe value of the custom property.
A lxw_error.

Set a custom document number property. See workbook_set_custom_property_string() above for details.

workbook_set_custom_property_number(workbook, "Document number", 12345);
lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_number(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, double value)
Set a custom document number property.

◆ workbook_set_custom_property_boolean()

lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_boolean ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  name,
uint8_t  value 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
nameThe name of the custom property.
valueThe value of the custom property.
A lxw_error.

Set a custom document boolean property. See workbook_set_custom_property_string() above for details.

workbook_set_custom_property_boolean(workbook, "Has Review", 1);
lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_boolean(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, uint8_t value)
Set a custom document boolean property.

◆ workbook_set_custom_property_datetime()

lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_datetime ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  name,
lxw_datetime datetime 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
nameThe name of the custom property.
datetimeThe value of the custom property.
A lxw_error.

Set a custom date or time number property. See workbook_set_custom_property_string() above for details.

lxw_datetime datetime = {2016, 12, 1, 11, 55, 0.0};
workbook_set_custom_property_datetime(workbook, "Date completed", &datetime);
Struct to represent a date and time in Excel.
Definition: common.h:159
lxw_error workbook_set_custom_property_datetime(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, lxw_datetime *datetime)
Set a custom document date or time property.

◆ workbook_define_name()

lxw_error workbook_define_name ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  name,
const char *  formula 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
nameThe defined name.
formulaThe cell or range that the defined name refers to.
A lxw_error.

This function is used to defined a name that can be used to represent a value, a single cell or a range of cells in a workbook: These defined names can then be used in formulas:

workbook_define_name(workbook, "Exchange_rate", "=0.96");
worksheet_write_formula(worksheet, 2, 1, "=Exchange_rate", NULL);
lxw_error workbook_define_name(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name, const char *formula)
Create a defined name in the workbook to use as a variable.
lxw_error worksheet_write_formula(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format)
Write a formula to a worksheet cell.

As in Excel a name defined like this is "global" to the workbook and can be referred to from any worksheet:

// Global workbook name.
workbook_define_name(workbook, "Sales", "=Sheet1!$G$1:$H$10");

It is also possible to define a local/worksheet name by prefixing it with the sheet name using the syntax ‘'sheetname!definedname’`:

// Local worksheet name.
workbook_define_name(workbook, "Sheet2!Sales", "=Sheet2!$G$1:$G$10");

If the sheet name contains spaces or special characters you must follow the Excel convention and enclose it in single quotes:

workbook_define_name(workbook, "'New Data'!Sales", "=Sheet2!$G$1:$G$10");

The rules for names in Excel are explained in the Microsoft Office documentation.

defined_name.c, and lambda.c.

◆ workbook_get_default_url_format()

lxw_format * workbook_get_default_url_format ( lxw_workbook workbook)
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
A lxw_format instance that has hyperlink properties set.

This function returns a lxw_format instance that is used for the default blue underline hyperlink in the worksheet_write_url() function when a format isn't specified:

lxw_format * workbook_get_default_url_format(lxw_workbook *workbook)
Get the default URL format used with worksheet_write_url().

The format is the hyperlink style defined by Excel for the default theme. This format is only ever required when overwriting a string URL with data of a different type. See the example below.


◆ workbook_get_worksheet_by_name()

lxw_worksheet * workbook_get_worksheet_by_name ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  name 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
nameWorksheet name.
A lxw_worksheet object.

This function returns a lxw_worksheet object reference based on its name:

worksheet = workbook_get_worksheet_by_name(workbook, "Sheet1");
lxw_worksheet * workbook_get_worksheet_by_name(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name)
Get a worksheet object from its name.

◆ workbook_get_chartsheet_by_name()

lxw_chartsheet * workbook_get_chartsheet_by_name ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  name 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
namechartsheet name.
A lxw_chartsheet object.

This function returns a lxw_chartsheet object reference based on its name:

chartsheet = workbook_get_chartsheet_by_name(workbook, "Chart1");
lxw_chartsheet * workbook_get_chartsheet_by_name(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name)
Get a chartsheet object from its name.

◆ workbook_validate_sheet_name()

lxw_error workbook_validate_sheet_name ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  sheetname 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
sheetnameSheet name to validate.
A lxw_error.

This function is used to validate a worksheet or chartsheet name according to the rules used by Excel:

  • The name cannot be blank.
  • The name is less than or equal to 31 UTF-8 characters.
  • The name doesn't contain any of the characters: [ ] : * ? / \
  • The name doesn't start or end with an apostrophe.
  • The name isn't already in use. (Case insensitive, see the note below).
lxw_error err = workbook_validate_sheet_name(workbook, "Foglio");
Error codes from libxlsxwriter functions.
Definition: common.h:66
lxw_error workbook_validate_sheet_name(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *sheetname)
Validate a worksheet or chartsheet name.

This function is called by workbook_add_worksheet() and workbook_add_chartsheet() but it can be explicitly called by the user beforehand to ensure that the sheet name is valid.

You should also avoid using the worksheet name "History" (case insensitive) which is reserved in English language versions of Excel. Non-English versions may have restrictions on the equivalent word.
This function does an ASCII lowercase string comparison to determine if the sheet name is already in use. It doesn't take UTF-8 characters into account. Thus it would flag "Café" and "café" as a duplicate (just like Excel) but it wouldn't catch "CAFÉ". If you need a full UTF-8 case insensitive check you should use a third party library to implement it.

◆ workbook_add_vba_project()

lxw_error workbook_add_vba_project ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  filename 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
filenameThe path/filename of the vbaProject.bin file.

The workbook_add_vba_project() function can be used to add macros or functions to a workbook using a binary VBA project file that has been extracted from an existing Excel xlsm file:

workbook_add_vba_project(workbook, "vbaProject.bin");
lxw_error workbook_add_vba_project(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *filename)
Add a vbaProject binary to the Excel workbook.

Only one vbaProject.bin file can be added per workbook. The name doesn't have to be vbaProject.bin. Any suitable path/name for an existing VBA bin file will do.

Once you add a VBA project had been add to an libxlsxwriter workbook you should ensure that the file extension is .xlsm to prevent Excel from giving a warning when it opens the file:

lxw_workbook *workbook = new_workbook("macro.xlsm");

See also Working with VBA Macros

A lxw_error.

◆ workbook_add_signed_vba_project()

lxw_error workbook_add_signed_vba_project ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  vba_project,
const char *  signature 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
vba_projectThe path/filename of the vbaProject.bin file.
signatureThe path/filename of the vbaProjectSignature.bin file.

The workbook_add_signed_vba_project() function can be used to add digitally signed macros or functions to a workbook. The function adds a binary VBA project file and a binary VBA project signature file that have been extracted from an existing Excel xlsm file with digitally signed macros:

workbook_add_signed_vba_project(workbook, "vbaProject.bin", "vbaProjectSignature.bin");
lxw_error workbook_add_signed_vba_project(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *vba_project, const char *signature)
Add a vbaProject binary and a vbaProjectSignature binary to the Excel workbook.

Only one vbaProject.bin file can be added per workbook. The name doesn't have to be vbaProject.bin. Any suitable path/name for an existing VBA bin file will do. The same applies for vbaProjectSignature.bin.

See also Working with VBA Macros

A lxw_error.

◆ workbook_set_vba_name()

lxw_error workbook_set_vba_name ( lxw_workbook workbook,
const char *  name 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
nameName of the workbook used by VBA.

The workbook_set_vba_name() function can be used to set the VBA name for the workbook. This is sometimes required when a vbaProject macro included via workbook_add_vba_project() refers to the workbook by a name other than ThisWorkbook.

workbook_set_vba_name(workbook, "MyWorkbook");
lxw_error workbook_set_vba_name(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name)
Set the VBA name for the workbook.

If an Excel VBA name for the workbook isn't specified then libxlsxwriter will use ThisWorkbook.

See also Working with VBA Macros

A lxw_error.

◆ workbook_read_only_recommended()

void workbook_read_only_recommended ( lxw_workbook workbook)
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.

This function can be used to set the Excel "Read-only Recommended" option that is available when saving a file. This presents the user of the file with an option to open it in "read-only" mode. This means that any changes to the file can't be saved back to the same file and must be saved to a new file. It can be set as follows:

void workbook_read_only_recommended(lxw_workbook *workbook)
Add a recommendation to open the file in "read-only" mode.

Which will raise a dialog like the following when opening the file:

◆ workbook_set_size()

void workbook_set_size ( lxw_workbook workbook,
uint16_t  width,
uint16_t  height 
workbookPointer to a lxw_workbook instance.
widthWidth of the window in pixels.
heightHeight of the window in pixels.

Set the size of a workbook window. This is generally only useful on macOS since Microsoft Windows uses the window size from the last time an Excel file was opened/saved. The default size is 1073 x 644 pixels.

The resulting pixel sizes may not exactly match the target screen and resolution since it is based on the original Excel for Windows sizes. Some trial and error may be required to get an exact size.

Typedef Documentation

◆ lxw_doc_properties

Workbook document properties. Set any unused fields to NULL or 0.

◆ lxw_workbook_options

Optional parameters when creating a new Workbook object via workbook_new_opt().

The following properties are supported:

  • constant_memory: This option reduces the amount of data stored in memory so that large files can be written efficiently. This option is off by default. See the notes below for limitations when this mode is on.
  • tmpdir: libxlsxwriter stores workbook data in temporary files prior to assembling the final XLSX file. The temporary files are created in the system's temp directory. If the default temporary directory isn't accessible to your application, or doesn't contain enough space, you can specify an alternative location using the tmpdir option.
  • use_zip64: Make the zip library use ZIP64 extensions when writing very large xlsx files to allow the zip container, or individual XML files within it, to be greater than 4 GB. See ZIP64 on Wikipedia for more information. This option is off by default.
  • output_buffer: Output to a buffer instead of a file. The buffer must be freed manually by calling free(). This option can only be used if filename is NULL.
  • output_buffer_size: Used with output_buffer to get the size of the created buffer. This option can only be used if filename is NULL.
In constant_memory mode each row of in-memory data is written to disk and then freed when a new row is started via one of the worksheet_write_*() functions. Therefore, once this option is active data should be written in sequential row by row order. For this reason worksheet_merge_range() and some other row based functionality doesn't work in this mode. See Constant Memory Mode for more details.
Also, in constant_memory mode the library uses temp file storage for worksheet data. This can lead to an issue on OSes that map the /tmp directory into memory since it is possible to consume the "system" memory even though the "process" memory remains constant. In these cases you should use an alternative temp file location by using the tmpdir option shown above. See Constant memory mode and the /tmp directory for more details.

◆ lxw_workbook

typedef struct lxw_workbook lxw_workbook

The members of the lxw_workbook struct aren't modified directly. Instead the workbook properties are set by calling the functions shown in workbook.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LXW_FOREACH_WORKSHEET (   worksheet,
)     STAILQ_FOREACH((worksheet), (workbook)->worksheets, list_pointers)

This macro allows you to loop over all the worksheets that have been added to a workbook. You must provide a lxw_worksheet pointer and a pointer to the lxw_workbook:

lxw_workbook *workbook = workbook_new("test.xlsx");
lxw_worksheet *worksheet; // Generic worksheet pointer.
// Worksheet objects used in the program.
lxw_worksheet *worksheet1 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL);
lxw_worksheet *worksheet2 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL);
lxw_worksheet *worksheet3 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL);
// Iterate over the 3 worksheets and perform the same operation on each.
LXW_FOREACH_WORKSHEET(worksheet, workbook) {
worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 0, 0, "Hello", NULL);
#define LXW_FOREACH_WORKSHEET(worksheet, workbook)
Macro to loop over all the worksheets in a workbook.
Definition: workbook.h:164

Data Structures

struct  lxw_doc_properties
struct  lxw_workbook_options
 Workbook options. More...
struct  lxw_workbook
 Struct to represent an Excel workbook. More...


typedef struct lxw_doc_properties lxw_doc_properties
typedef struct lxw_workbook_options lxw_workbook_options
 Workbook options.
typedef struct lxw_workbook lxw_workbook
 Struct to represent an Excel workbook.


#define LXW_FOREACH_WORKSHEET(worksheet, workbook)    STAILQ_FOREACH((worksheet), (workbook)->worksheets, list_pointers)
 Macro to loop over all the worksheets in a workbook.